Friday 28 November 2014


9 Jenis Anak Syaitan.
Umar al-Khattab r. a berkata, terdapat 9 jenis anak syaitan :

1. Zalituun
Duduk di pasar/kedai supaya manusia hilang sifat jimat cermat. Menggoda supaya manusia berbelanja
lebih dan membeli barang-barang yang tidak perlu.

2. Wathiin
Pergi kepada orang yang mendapat musibah supaya
bersangka buruk terhadap Allah.

3. A’awan
Menghasut sultan/raja/pemerintah supaya tidak mendekati rakyat. Seronok dengan kedudukan/­kekayaan
hingga terabai kebajikan rakyat dan tidak mahu mendengar nasihat para ulama.

4. Haffaf
Berkawan baik dengan kaki botol. Suka
menghampiri orang
yang berada di tempat-tempat
maksiat (contoh: disko,
kelab malam & tempat yang ada
minuman keras).

5. Murrah
Merosakkan dan melalaikan ahli dan
orang yang sukakan
muzik sehingga lupa kepada Allah. Mereka ini tenggelam dalam keseronokan dan glamour lain-lain

6. Masuud
Duduk di bibir mulut manusia supaya
melahirkan fitnah,
gosip, umpatan dan apa sahaja penyakit yang mula dari
kata-kata mulut.

7. Daasim
Duduk di pintu rumah kita. Jika tidak
memberi salam
ketika masuk ke rumah, Daasim akan
bertindak agar
berlaku keruntuhan rumah tangga
(suami isteri
bercerai-berai, suami bertindak ganas,
memukul isteri,
isteri hilang pertimbangan menuntut cerai, anak-
anak didera
dan pelbagai bentuk kemusnahan
rumahtangga lagi).

8. Walahaan
Menimbulkan rasa was-was dalam diri
manusia khususnya
ketika berwuduk dan solat dan menjejaskan
kita yang lain.

9. Lakhuus
Merupakan sahabat orang Majusi yang
menyembah api/
matahari. Mana satu jenis anak syaitan yang sering
anda ? Adakah jenis Walahaan iaitu
was-was untuk
menyebarkan maklumat ini ?
*Tak susah pon nk post !
pahala pun dapattt right ?

Kata orang-orang bijak pandai, jika :

1. Ingin bahagia. - Sembahyang awal waktu
2. Ingin sihat - Berpuasa
3. Ingin dipermudahkan urusan - Bacalah Al-Quran
4. Ingin wajah berseri - Jaga sembahyang Tahjud
5. Ingin kaya - Sembahyang Dhuha
6. Dihimpit masalah - Beristghfarlah
7. Berdukacita. - Berdoalah
8. Mahukan keberkatan - Berselawatlah

Amalkan dan sebarkan.... ツ

Yang membaca, tak untung. Yang bercakap, pun tak untung. Yang mendengar, pun tak untung. Yang untung, orang yang mempratikkannya

# B I S M I L L A H #

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Jangan ditanya, itu rahsia Allah...

Bila mana hal yg kita elak, sering ditanya apabila berkumpul dgn kawan2 yg dah berumahtangga atau soalan favorite sedara mara, atok2 sdara, makcik2 pakcik2.
Bila nak kawen??
Bila nak ada anak??
Bila nak TAMBAH anak??

Bila nak MATI tak mahu tanya?? :p

Hakikatnya, semua itu rahsia Allah.
Kita merancang, Dia merancang, Dia adalah sebaik-baik perancang.

Friday 23 May 2014


As you can see the title of this post.
It is about someone who I admire.
We live in a, kinda, different world. As people did tell me. Haha :p
He was a schoolmate, but we haven't talk at all, I guess. Just met him last year.
Haha enough talking about the 'reunion'.

I admire his passion in dance. I don't know about others, but the first show I watch him dance, that piece from his own idea, he choreograph it, it was deep. Somehow it relates to me, and others as well.

He called it "Phone Call". It did inspired me. As at that moment, I was kinda losing hope in man. The truth. He was heartbroken, so am I.
He used that feelings and express it in a dance. Not all dancers can do that. (As I am fans of 'so you think you can dance' loll )

He did make me believe and have faith in Allah's plans. We need to chase for our own happiness.

Seeing him dance, again and again, I can feel the same feelings and thoughts. He makes me feel alive. Yes. He did.

Weird is it? Till today, every time I see him dance, I caught myself smiling. I'm telling you the truth.

I guess what he wished for, to inspired as much people as he can, succeed.
Follow his IG and his channel in YouTube and you will see I'm telling you the truth.
A lot has been inspired by him.

I wish all the best for you, my dear " Syaffiq Hambali "

Tuesday 29 April 2014


“Apa beza antara suka dan cinta?” Si gadis bertanya.
Si lelaki melipat helaian akhir novelnya lalu menjawab : “macam apa yang kita rasa pada sekuntum bunga.”
“Terangkan?” Si gadis musykil.
“Kalau kita suka pada sekuntum bunga, kita akan petik bunga tu sebab bunga tu cantik. Tapi kalau kita cintakan bunga tu, kita akan biarkan ia pada dahannya dan sentiasa siram ia agar ia sentiasa segar. Samalah macam manusia. Kalau kita suka pada seseorang, kita akan berusaha untuk miliki dia. Tapi kalau kita cintakan dia, kita akan sabar menanti adakah dia jodoh kita, dan sentiasa mendoakan kebahagiaan dia walau nanti akhirnya dia bukan bersama kita…”

*copy & share*

Friday 7 February 2014

Girlfriends are for lifetime


(Dedicated to all my BFF, with ♥) ^_^

A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and talking with her Mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully and turned a clear,sober glance upon her daughter.

"Don't forget your girlfriends," she advised, swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. "They'll be more important as you get older. No matter how much you love your husband, no matter how much you love the children you'll have, you are still going to need girlfriends.

Remember to go places with them now and then; do things with them. And remember that "girlfriends" are not only your friends, but your sisters,your daughters, and other relatives too. You'll need other women. Women always do."

'What a funny piece of advice,' the young woman thought. 'Haven't I just gotten married? Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now a married woman, for goodness sake! -- a grownup. Surely my husband and the family we'll start will be all I need to make my life worthwhile!'

But she listened to her Mother; she kept contact with her girlfriends and made more each year. As the years tumbled by, one after another, she gradually came to understand that her Mom really knew what she was talking about. As time and nature work their changes and their mysteries upon a woman, girlfriends are the mainstays of her life.

After almost 50 years of living in this world, here is what I've

Time passes.
Life happens.
Distance separates.
Children grow up.
Love waxes and wanes.
Hearts break.
Careers end.
Jobs come and go.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Men don't call when they say they will.

BUT girlfriends are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley, and you have to walk it for yourself, your girlfriends will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end. Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you. Or come in and carry you out. My  mother, sister, sister-in-law, "sisters," extended family, and friends bless my life!

The world wouldn't be the same without them, and neither would I.

When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other. Every day, we need each other still.

*credit to a friend of mine :)

p/s : *pic note* i really adore 'their' friendship ♥♥♥ =)

Monday 27 January 2014

Life is a journey :)

Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now, doesn't mean you aren't headed for some sunshine.

Have faith! (^_^)

Wednesday 15 January 2014

W.A.L.K. forward and keep walking towards HIM ♥

You can't start something new if you are still being haunted by your past.
Don't look back.
Once a while, your past will tap you on your shoulder, (surely that will happen, A LOT), but one thing for sure, don't ever let it ruins your present. Your life, NOW. TODAY.
Always give yourself chances to be happy.
Not everyone who come across your life is meant to be there to STAY. Life doesn't goes that way.
Allah knows better. Don't blame HIM for your failure, heartbreaks, or anything that doesn't goes the way you wish for.
Every failure is one step closer to success.
Every heartbreaks makes you stronger.
Every tears makes you HUMAN.

Be blessed of everything you have.
You wake up today, alive.
That is one of the reasons to SMILE for.

have faith in Allah.
And everything will went well.

Itu adalah ALLAH ♥ اللّه

Pernahkah saat kau duduk santai dan menikmati harimu, tiba-tiba terpikirkan olehmu ingin berbuat sesuatu kebaikan untuk seseorang?

Itu adalah اللّه yang sedang berbicara denganmu dan mengetuk pintu hatimu (QS 4:114, 2:195, 28:77).

Pernahkah saat kau sedang sedih, kecewa tetapi tidak ada orang di sekitarmu yang dapat kau jadikan tempat curahan hati?
Itulah adalah اللّه yang sedang rindu padamu dan ingin agar kau berbicara pada-NYA (QS 12:86).

Pernahkah tanpa sengaja kau memikirkan seseorang yang sudah lama tidak bertemu, tiba-tiba orang tersebut muncul, atau kau bertemu dengannya, atau kau menerima telefon darinya?
Itu adalah Kuasa اللّه yang sedang menghiburmu.
Tidak ada yang namanya kebetulan (QS 3:190-191).

Pernahkah kau mendapatkan sesuatu yang tidak terdugaa, yang selama ini kau inginkan  tapi rasanya sulit untuk kau didapatkan?

Itu adalah اللّه yang mengetahui dan mendengar suara batinmu serta hasil dari benih kebaikan yang kau taburkan sebelumnya (QS 65:2-3).

Pernahkah kau berada dalam situasi yang buntu, semua terasa begitu sulit, begitu tidak menyenangkan, hambar, kosong bahkan menakutkan?

Itu adalah saat اللّه mengizinkan kau untuk diuji, Dan اللّه ingin mendengar rintihan serta do’amu agar kau menyadari akan keberadaan-NYA….

Karena tahu kau sudah mulai melupakan-NYA dalam kesenangan (QS 47:31, 32:21).

Jika kau peka, akan sering kau sadari bahwa KASIH dan KUASA اللّه selalu ada di saat manusia merasa dirinya tak mampu.

Tenangkanlah dirimu, rasakan kehadiran-NYA…, dengarkan suara-NYA yang berkata: “Jangan khuatir..
AKU di sini bersamamu.”
(QS 2:214, 2:186).

Monday 13 January 2014



it's 2014. ^_^
When I look back these past few years, I realize that I've been blessed. With lots of love from family and friends. and I'm still counting my blessing. Alhamdulillah <3

So, it's another year, and another #bucketlist ! hooo yess! :p

M looking forward to try new things this year. M listing it all.
but the list getting longer and longer! hahah
get too excited i guess >_<
well, there's no harm enjoying life as long as we manage to balance it with our preparation for the 'afterlife' right? :)

so, what's your 2014 bucket list? (~_^)